Who Are We Waiting For? (Unison/2 Part) w/ opt Flute


    Unison, opt. 2-Part

  • Music & Text: Ruth Elaine Schram
  • Choral MusicUnison & Two PartChristmas

  • Accompaniment: Piano with opt instrument(s)
  • Catalog #: 35031746
  • Publisher: Shawnee Press (Harold Flammer)

  • Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation
  • Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
    Images may differ from the actual product.


A sense of longing and mystery surrounds this contemplative Advent piece that asks, “Who are we waiting for?” Excellent for introducing other Biblical names of Jesus, this anthem uses a minor key, repeated phrases, and optional flute to communicate a heartfelt yearning to know the long awaited Messiah. Available separately: Unison/opt. 2-Part Treble, CelebrationTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:37