There’s a Time – 2 Part


  • Music: Natalie Sleeth | Text: Charlotte Lee
  • Choral MusicUnison & Two PartSacred

  • Accompaniment: Piano accompaniment
  • Format: Octavo – Choral
  • Catalog #: 15/3708H
  • Publisher: Heritage Music Press

  • Publisher: The Lorenz Corporation
  • Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
    Images may differ from the actual product.

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“There's a time for loving and a time to care, a time to open up our hearts and share, a time for spreading joy ev'rywhere, as the cycle of life goes on.” Charlotte Lee's school-friendly adaptation of Ecclesiastes 3:1-10 joins the classic music of American composer Natalie Sleeth in this piece featuring a highly singable and memorable melody. A gentle piano accompaniment provides support, while still letting the voices shine through. Simply lovely!