Aaron Shearers Classic Guitar Technique has long been one of the definitive classic guitar methods; adopted by serious guitarists all over the world. The Shearer Method: Classic Guitar Foundations, Shearer's final work, is the first in a series that encapsulates his lifetime experience as America's premier classic guitar pedagogue. This new work is a step-by-step curriculum based on Aarons innovative and common sense approach that incorporates all the advantages of modern technology.
The method includes:
1. 63 DVD videos for up-close aural and visual learning
2. 74 new solo and duet compositions and arrangements (made exclusively for this method by Dr. Alan Hirsh) as well as works by Sor, Carcassi, Giuliani and more.
3. Plus, recorded tracks that masterfully illustrate nuance, tone and musicality.
The book even includes Alfred Music's exclusive TNT 2 software that allows you to slow down and loop tracks for careful practice.
The book does not replace Shearer's original classic. It augments and expands on it in ways not imaginable in the early '60s when the original was published. It's a must-have to complete the library of any classic or fingerstyle guitarist! The Shearer Method Classic Guitar Foundations is not just a book but a media experience.
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