The Folded Flag



  • Music & Text: Joseph M. Martin
  • Choral MusicMen's VoicesPatriotic

  • Accompaniment: Piano accompaniment
  • Format: Octavo – Choral
  • Catalog #: 00419542
  • Publisher: Shawnee Press (Harold Flammer)

  • Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation
  • Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
    Images may differ from the actual product.

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SKU: 1203305 Category:


There is no more poignant sight than the solemn ceremony of the folded flag. The dignity associated with honoring one who has given the “last full measure of devotion” is rich with tradition and provides a moment of deep reverence for those in grief. This inspiring anthem presents three moments with the flag as it moves from the hands of grief to soaring and into the hearts of the future. The music has a cinematic scope, following the text with a theme that lifts the message of commitment and devotion to the heavens. An instant classic!