Portraits in Rhythm [La Guia Completa de Estudio]


    This item is going out of print. Quantities may be limited.

    Snare Drum

  • by Anthony J. Cirone [por Anthony J. Cirone]
  • Instrumental MusicPercussionSnare DrumInstrumental Methods

  • Languages: Spanish
  • Format: Musicbook/Songbook
  • Catalog #: 34477
  • Publisher: Alfred Publishing

  • Publisher: Alfred Publishing
  • Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
    Images may differ from the actual product.

SKU: 1502121 Category:


Uno de los libros clásicos de la literatura para tambor, ahora disponible en Español! Este libro contiene material de simulación y de dificultad que ratara a estudiantes de percusión de nivel intermedio y avanzado. Contiene 50 solos musicales acompañados por un detallado análisis de cada estudio.

One of the classic snare drum books in print today! This publication presents the reader with the challenging and simulating material for the intermediate and advanced percussion student. Contains 50 musical solos and an analysis of each etude.