Complete Reading Flash Cards include six sections and come with instructions:
1. White note cards: all notes have the Kodaly solfege syllables and the Curwen hand signs on the back of the card.
2. Blue key signature cards: includes 15 cards containing all 30 keys, majors and relative minors, and the number and names of sharps or flats therein.
3. Orange interval cards: 37 cards include
4. Green signs and symbols: 78 cards containing note and rest values, meters, articulations, dynamics, ornamentation, musical shorthand, clefs, musical road signs, notation, measure repeat signs, and multi-bar rests.
5. Yellow terms: includes 80 cards of classic Italian terms, tempo markings, style, bowing, articulation, e.g., con sordino, col legno, lusingando, ossia, pizz., restez, V.S., simile, subito, sul ponticello, vamp, and dozens of others.
6. Cherry elementary theory cards: 29 cards containing scales, (including major, and three minors, pentatonic, whole tone,) plus modes, triads, cadences, the circle of 5ths, and “solfege chromatic scale.”
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