Calvary’s Love: Christ’s Sacrifice and Triumph



  • Lloyd Larson and Jay Rouse
  • Choral MusicSATBEaster

  • Accompaniment: Piano or Organ or CD or Online Media
  • Format: Book with CD(s)
  • Catalog #: 55/1195L
  • Publisher: Lorenz Publishing Company

  • Publisher: The Lorenz Corporation
  • Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
    Images may differ from the actual product.


In “Calvary’s Love,” Lloyd Larson and Jay Rouse offer an inspiring reminder of the gifts of love and life that are ours because of the price Jesus paid at Calvary. Flexibly conceived for Lent, Holy Week, or Eastertide programming, it may be performed as a whole, or each individual anthem may be presented during the weeks leading up to Easter, depending on your programming needs. Small and large choirs alike will find the choral writing appealing and versatile, and accompaniment options range from piano only to Ed Hogan’s powerful orchestration. Choirs and congregations will be encouraged by this musical telling of the timeless message of God’s sacrifice and love through Jesus. “Greater love has no one than this: that one lay down His life for His friends.”


• Hosanna to the King!

• For the Bread Which You Have Broken

• Dark Gethsemane

• Man of Sorrows!

• O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High

• Near the Cross

• Risen Today!

• The Great I AM!