Bring Me to the Cross



  • Music: Brad Nix
  • Lyrics / Text: Douglas Nolan
  • Choral MusicSATBEaster

  • Accompaniment: Piano accompaniment
  • Format: Octavo – Choral
  • Catalog #: 00319856
  • Publisher: Shawnee Press (Harold Flammer)

  • Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation
  • Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
    Images may differ from the actual product.

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Scripture: I Corinthians 2:2; Matthew 27:24; Philippians 2:8

With delicate lines and precious harmonies, this sacred gem draws us to Calvary for a poignant portrait of grace. Premier part writing makes this anthem a tapestry of expressive sound to match to the tender qualities of the lyric. Floating like a memory above our devotion, the gentle music draws our hearts to the Savior. Sensitive!