Anthem of Thanksgiving



  • Traditional Hymns
    arr. Jay Althouse
  • Lyrics / Text: Various
  • Choral MusicSATBThanksgiving

  • Accompaniment: Piano with opt. Trumpet
  • Format: Octavo – Choral
  • Catalog #: 22809
  • Publisher: Alfred Publishing

  • Publisher: Jubilate Music Group
  • Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
    Images may differ from the actual product.

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Suggested scriptures:
Genesis 8: 22, 1 Chronicles 29: 10-13, Psalm 100 & 50: 14 & 23, Matthew 13: 36-43, Mark 4: 26-29, Colossians 1:11-20, Hebrews 13: 15

A reverent Thanksgiving medley by Jay Althouse. Opening prayerfully with strains of “Now Thank We All Our God,” it segues into a simple, flowing setting of “We Gather Together.” Building in majesty, it offers a glorious verse of “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” before the opening strains return in reverent praise. Easy to prepare for Christ the King, Harvest, or Thanksgiving.

Now Thank We All Our God

Music: Johann Cruger
Text: Martin Rinkart
Translation: Catherine Winkworth

We Gather Together

Music: from Nederlandtsch Gedenckclanck
Text: Traditional, from Netherlands folk hymn
Translation: Theodore Baker

Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

Music: George J. Elvey
Text: Henry Alford

Also Available:

Trumpet and congregation parts included with octavo.